You should keep these 8 things in mind with all your marketing:
- Make it easy for people to respond. Allow your prospects to respond by phone, text, email, mail… or even walk in for your offer (whitepaper, free report, etc.)
- Make it an offer they can’t refuse. You NEED to have a Unique Selling Proposition. If you don’t have one… don’t spend a dime on any more marketing until you get one. If you want some help you can get my free step-by-step manual on how to create one that will make you stand out… courtesy of 5Q Group.
- A picture paints a thousand words. Make sure your graphics do the same.
- Use clear, concise and snappy copy. Make sure a person with a 7th grade education would get the point you are making.
- Action! Get them doing something. You can do this with stickers, tear-aways, peel-offs, or even quizzes or riddles. Get them involved in your ad.
- Are you easy to find? Make sure your contact information is both complete AND easy to find on all the pieces in your advertising.
- Give them a guarantee. Yes, I know in our business we can’t guarantee returns or product performance… but get creative and come up with a guarantee that is enforceable for meeting with you or coming to a seminar.
- Give them a dead line. Yes, they are skeptical of deadlines… so make yours real and don’t waffle… and people won’t take the risk of missing your deadline again