Most brokerage cash accounts are paying 0.1 to 0.3% interest. It is very simple, even in the low interest rate environment that we are in to find an FDIC insured savings account paying around 2% interest. Presto! You’ve given them a 1000% boost on their income.
You can now use the distrust you’ve instilled, in that their current advisor has been taking advantage of them to get the money moved to you.
To take advantage of this… create a postcard with the message on the front side…
Your broker doesn’t want you to see this postcard
And then on the backside write a handwritten note…
Hi [Name], if you have a cash just sitting in a stock brokerage account, there is an easy way to get triple the interest on it using an FDIC insured account. Give me a quick call and I can fill you in.
Thanks! And look forward to speaking with you.
[Your Signature]
When they call, ask them what they are earning on their cash account. If they don’t know, it’s almost guaranteed that it is a pittance. Tell them you have a way them you have a way to triple what they make on their cash account… with FDIC and you’d love to show them how.