How many of your prospects would like to know how to pay less than 1% tax on their investment income? So, instead of paying 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35% or 37% on their returns and interest… paying just 1%. Do you think that would get people asking, “Hey! How do you do that?” It’s a technique that you know… but probably haven’t thought about in a while. You can find out how to do it in this short 2-page document, courtesy of 5Q Group.
You can use this Unique Selling Proposition EVERYWHERE to get people talking to you.
- In a letter to your prospects
- In a letter to your clients to find additional assets or get referrals
- As a bullet or even headline in a marketing piece
- As an “elevator speech” anytime somebody asks what you do
You’ll see in the explanation that it works for all non-qualified investments. The big comment I get from advisors is, “But Mike, most of my clients’ money is in qualified accounts.”
Yep, but remember, this USP is about bringing something new to your clients and prospects… getting new conversations going… finding new non-qualified money… and guess what all this leads to? Their big retirement accounts.