FIA’s Are More Liquid than Money Management?

This script gets a client to tell you that a 7-year surrender annuity is more liquid than a money management account.

This short video gives you the exact script that gets a client to TELL YOU… that an FIA (with a 7-year surrender) is MORE liquid than a Money Management Account…

  • Obviously, my friend doesn’t want to have this presentation floating around the internet, with other people taking credit for it… but he’d be happy to send it to you at no charge, just shoot an email over to my friend Jeb at Put “Liquidity” in the subject line and he’ll email you the video. ** Please check your SPAM/Junk folder if you don’t receive the requested video **

Just think how powerful it would be to have clients telling you that FIA’s were more liquid than Money Management accounts!

About Mike Kaselnak

Michael Kaselnak is considered one of the top marketing and sales experts in the financial services industry. He has personally mentored over 300 financial advisors in the past 10 years. These financial advisors saw their average production increase by 62%. Many saw increases of over 300 percent. He writes articles that have appeared in many mainstream magazines and has written the popular report 300 Financial Headlines that sell.
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