Do you know something that you wish you could tell prospective clients about? Do you want to get hundreds of thousands of people to pay attention to what you have to say? Is there an idea you have that you know would get your phone ringing? Consider ideas like:
- It’s tax season and you have a terrific idea to reduce taxes or a tax prep checklist
- Inflation is up and you know exactly what clients should be doing to protect themselves
- The market is volatile, and you have a point-by-point method to help people alleviate their fears
- And the list goes on…
If you are creative and well spoken, why not talk to the public about it. The most effective way to do this is to be interviewed by your local news, be it TV, radio, or newspaper.
And they are always looking for unique and interesting takes on “front of mind” topics. If you want to pursue this, and I think that you should, you need to be awesome at writing press releases.
Remember that, just like in sales, it’s a numbers game. If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. When you finally get your chance, it will be far worth the effort.
Here’s a terrific “How To” on how to write press releases that get noticed.