There is a fact that great communicators have used for hundreds of years… if you say something often enough, it becomes truth. Just look at how this phenomenon works in today’s political arena. If a candidate repeats something long enough… over and over… it somehow becomes truth.
Now, I’m not suggesting that you become a sleazy politician… but, I am suggesting you use this phenomenon for good! Let me give you an example. There are many ways a store could communicate that a sale lasts for 5 days. Let’s look at two of them and you tell me which is more powerful:
Save 10% Monday through Friday
Save 10% Monday
Save 10% Tuesday
Save 10% Wednesday
Save 10% Thursday
Save 10% Friday
Research has proven that restating it over and over has a much greater effect on people. They believe it. They act on it.
So how can you use this? There are a number of ways… but here’s one example. Find a clear, simple statement that differentiates you from all your competitors and repeat it often… put it on all of your advertising and communication… do this until people associate you with that statement.
I did this and became known by everyone in my market place as the, “Get Your Hands Off My Piece of Pie” guy, … or eventually, the Pie Guy. When this name or phrase became attached to me it created instant credibility and trust.