In today’s “Don’t have time to read no sales letter” environment… it is still possible to grab someone’s attention and get them to call you.
Here’s an idea from an advisor I know who closed 4 big cases using it. He had a list of 800 people that fit his target market. He then wrote a sales letter as if his 7-year-old daughter wrote it. He wrote it as she spoke… with all of the wonderful things that make us smile when a child speaks.
Now here’s the kicker… he then went to the internet and searched “child’s handwriting font” and found dozens of different fonts that look like a child writing. He downloaded the font and wrote the sales letter using that font.
The letter started with…
Ever since my daddy started helping people with their money, I’ve got to meet a lot of nice people. My daddy said that we are growing our family by helping people keep their piggy banks safe. I’m writing you to see if you would like to be one of our family.
Dorky? Yep. With that said… how many sales letters have you sent lately that brought in 4 big clients?