Clients don’t refer to you because you have great products or you got them a good rate of return… they refer to you because they love you! Put these 20 “to-dos” on your calendar to show your clients that you love them… and they’ll share your love with others… i.e. give you referrals.
20 Easy Ways to Let Clients Want to Refer People to You
- Send them HANDWRITTEN notes or postcards… at least once a quarter
- Sing them Happy Birthday on their VM… no matter how bad your voice is… or how hokey you feel
- Track your best clients on the LinkedIn feed that notifies you when your client is in the news… and let them know you saw the article
- Call them at Thanksgiving and let them know how grateful you are to have them in your life
- Send them news or helpful information about their interests
- Send them news about their Alma Mater
- Donate your time and money to a cause they believe in
- Send them a funny video and why it made you think of them
- Take them on a Christmas Lights Tour with the rest of your clients and sing Carols and share hot cider and cookies
- Take them to lunch or dinner
- Host a Birthday lunch for them and their friends
- Call and ask what they wish your company would do for them
- Call them before the 4th or Memorial Day and ask what they are doing… and then wish them a fun safe holiday
- Call and ask them for advice… or invite them to be part of an exclusive client advisory board
- Share the things they share on their Social Media channels
- Have their name on the marquee when they come for their appointment
- Have their favorite “Keurig” beverage waiting for them at their appointment
- Listen and be more interested in what they have to say, rather than making them listen to what you want to say
- Drop by with baked goods or a 6-pack of beer on the way home from work… a little gift that goes a long way
- Remember the names of their kids and grandkids… and what they are doing in their lives
The only way people know you love them is to show it… the only way people are going to refer is if they feel loved.