Package Your Offer the Right Way…literally

It is more and more difficult to get people’s attention… and if you don’t get their attention, you aren’t going to be able to show them how much what you offer, can help them.

So, why not package your offer differently…literally.  This idea is fantastic for booths at investment, community or senior expos.  Find an unusual little container…it’s easy to do.  Just Google “unique small containers” and many suppliers will come up.  These containers usually run about 30 cents each, so not a huge investment.

Here’s a couple of ideas on how to use this (warning: these are corny BUT they will get your message read!

  • Buy heart shaped containers (30 cents) and put candy hearts in them with a note on top asking, “Want your clients to love you? Take just one minute and read the 3 things they’ll get when you offer them [your product or technique].
  • Buy empty lipstick tubes (15 cents) and roll up both a dollar bill and a message and put it into the lipstick tubes… then glue stick it to a flyer with your Unique Selling Proposition. The message should read, “Lipstick on a pig CAN be a good thing!  Take just a minute to look at [Your unique product of offer] and you’ll soon smell the bacon because your clients will love it!”
  • Or if you are willing to spend a bit more, Google “cheap Aladdin’s lamps” and you can find them for $3. Then put your folded up offer and a “golden” Sacagawea $1 dollar coin in the lamp.  Have a banner “Make Your Wishes Come True By Rubbing the Lantern!”  People will be lining up at your booth to get theirs.
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Sing for Your Sale

Have you ever had a prospect ghost you after saying they wanted to move forward?  After a few polite, professional voicemails are you starting to get the feeling they are avoiding you?

You’ve got to do something to get their attention… and maybe even chuckle a bit.  I had an advisor leave this message on his 4th attempt to get the prospective client to call him back…

“Bob and Mary, I know you are busy… or maybe even putting off speaking with me for a bit.  So, it’s time for drastic measures… all future calls will be me singing my messages.  Save yourselves! Don’t put yourself through the agony of listening to my singing voice!  Give me a holler back, even if it is to tell me you’ve changed your minds… cuz’ that’s OK too! It’s your money, I just don’t want you to fall through the cracks.”

He says this works quite often… and YES!  He does follow through with a couple of “singing” voicemails after that… and he says that works even better!

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8 Ways to Get More People to Respond to Marketing

You should keep these 8 things in mind with all your marketing:

  1. Make it easy for people to respond. Allow your prospects to respond by phone, text, email, mail… or even walk in for your offer (whitepaper, free report, etc.)
  2. Make it an offer they can’t refuse. You NEED to have a Unique Selling Proposition.  If you don’t have one… don’t spend a dime on any more marketing until you get one.  If you want some help you can get my free step-by-step manual on how to create one that will make you stand out… courtesy of 5Q Group.
  3. A picture paints a thousand words. Make sure your graphics do the same.
  4. Use clear, concise and snappy copy. Make sure a person with a 7th grade education would get the point you are making.
  5. Action! Get them doing something.  You can do this with stickers, tear-aways, peel-offs, or even quizzes or riddles.  Get them involved in your ad.
  6. Are you easy to find? Make sure your contact information is both complete AND easy to find on all the pieces in your advertising.
  7. Give them a guarantee. Yes, I know in our business we can’t guarantee returns or product performance… but get creative and come up with a guarantee that is enforceable for meeting with you or coming to a seminar.
  8. Give them a dead line. Yes, they are skeptical of deadlines… so make yours real and don’t waffle… and people won’t take the risk of missing your deadline again
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Get Your Message Out There Big Time!

In order to get people to see your message… you have to be doing things… AND putting your message places your competition doesn’t.

How many of your competitors are advertising on bill boards?  Think about it… thousands of drivers are forced to see your message every day!  Not one and done… but every day!  And they are a captured audience.  They are trapped in their car and they can’t turn the channel… delete… ignore… or throw it away.

Outdoor advertising isn’t cheap… but what advertising is?  If you decide to go big by putting your message on a billboard, here are 4 things to keep in mind:

  1. Make it memorable – It is worth investing in some help to come up with a great message and graphics. And remember, you’ll own the ad… so you’ll be able to use it in all sorts of other ways and places as well.
  2. Put it where people will see it – High traffic places cost more, but it makes no sense to save money and then no one sees your message.
  3. Make it different – Take a look at all the other billboards around… and make sure yours stands out by being different.
  4. KISS – The old adage of Keep It Simple Stupid holds here. Remember, they are only going to get a few seconds to read your sign.  Make the image work for you. Your verbiage should be big, short and to the point!
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FIA’s Are More Liquid than Money Management?

This script gets a client to tell you that a 7-year surrender annuity is more liquid than a money management account.

This short video gives you the exact script that gets a client to TELL YOU… that an FIA (with a 7-year surrender) is MORE liquid than a Money Management Account…

  • Obviously, my friend doesn’t want to have this presentation floating around the internet, with other people taking credit for it… but he’d be happy to send it to you at no charge, just shoot an email over to my friend Jeb at Put “Liquidity” in the subject line and he’ll email you the video. ** Please check your SPAM/Junk folder if you don’t receive the requested video **

Just think how powerful it would be to have clients telling you that FIA’s were more liquid than Money Management accounts!

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$2 and Some Sleight of Hand Lands a Client

Has somebody ghosted you?  Want to get them to call back… or even reach out to you on their own?  I just used this idea with one of my advisors and it worked perfectly!

We went online and found directions on how to fold $1 bills into a boot.

He then enclosed 2 boots in a small priority mail box from the USPO with a handwritten note:

Mama need a new pair of shoes?  Let’s get going on our plan to reduce those fees and fix the things we talked about… and you’ll have plenty of “found” money to buy whatever you like… or, you can keep giving it to your broker?  Call me  xxx-xxxx

After over a month of no contact… guess what he got?  A call… an apology for not getting back to him… and a new client.

Think out of the box!  Put smiles on people’s faces!  When you do, people want to work with you.

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What’s Your Number?

The key to growing your business is buying new clients… what?  How do you do that?  Isn’t Marketing just buying clients?  If your marketing is poor… you’ll pay more per client.  If you have good marketing… you’ll pay less per client.

So, how much are you paying per client?  AND… how much do you make, on average, per client?  If you know these two numbers, you are likely to be a very successful advisor.  Why?  Because knowing these numbers does a few things:

  • It makes sure you are only spending money on profitable marketing
  • It makes sure you KEEP doing successful marketing. I can’t tell you how many times in the last 20 years I’ve had an advisor upset about spending $5,000 on marketing… and then when we crunch the numbers and find out they are making $25k… or more… every time they spend the 5k.  How many business owners would like to turn $5,000 into more than $25,000 every month?
  • It tells you how much a new client is worth. This is one thing that will drive an advisor to get better at their sales skills.  Getting just one more client every time you do a marketing campaign is worth what?  When was the last time you worked on your skills to make sure they are getting better every single meeting?  All of my successful advisors record their client meetings and we analyze them together to constantly improve their skills.  Those advisors make over $1 million/yr.

So, do the math…

Cost of Marketing ÷ # of new clients  = Cost per new client

Income from new clients ÷ # of new clients = Ave Income per client

Income per client  ÷ Cost per new client  = ROI

Any ROI that is greater than 1.0 is successful.  Hey, that means you made money!

Most non-financial business would kill for a 2-to-1 ROI.   And successful advisors should be looking at the 5-to-1… all the way up to 20-to-1 ROI.   Where is yours?

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The Best 30-Minutes You Ever Spent

If you want to work with small businesses, you have 20 seconds to get their attention.  Here’s what you do.

  • Get a list of 3 businesses you want to approach with your Unique Selling Proposition
  • Make sure all 3 businesses are close together and then buy either bagels or donuts for each. Now make sure to go there before business hours.  The boss is usually there before everyone else, and it’s probably the slowest part of his/her day.
  • Have this short conversation

If the boss is in, say:

Can I trade you 6 bagels and cream cheese…  for no more than 3-minutes of your time…  to give you an idea on how to lower your taxes… and then you can either kick me out or we can set up a time to get you more information?

The important phrase is “no more than 3-minutes of your time.”  Tell them up front that this will NOT be a long conversation… and the ball will be in their court as to whether they want to meet again later.  This up front declaration makes them much more likely to give you 3-minutes to hook them with your Unique Selling Proposition.

If the boss isn’t in, say:

Can I trade you 6 bagels and cream cheese… for you to let your boss know I’ll be giving him a call for NO MORE than 3-minutes of their time… to give them an idea on how to lower his/her taxes… and if after that 3-minute conversation they want me to take a hike… I will?

This will get you at least one… and most often two meetings a day, if you truly have a unique solution to one of their problems.  I used taxes in this example.

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Want More Appointments? Then Follow Through!

I was scratching my head.  So an advisor used a marketing system that did all the hard work for him.  It found people with more than $1 million who wanted to meet with advisors for second opinions.  Now these were NOT leads… but people that wanted to meet in the advisor’s office.  Awesome right?

I asked him how it was going, and he said about 20% of the people weren’t showing for their appointments.  I asked him how the conversation on the phone went when he called to confirm the appointment.  He told me he hadn’t been doing a confirmation call!

Wow!  I can’t believe he was getting 80% of these people to show up!  He was just relying on the phone call the appointment setting folks had with the wealthy clients.   Think about it… these people made the appointment for a second opinion… and then they hang up and think… “Wait a minute!  Who will I be talking to?  Will they try to hard sell me?  Hmm… maybe we shouldn’t go, after all.”

All he needed to do was give folks a call and have a friendly… non-salesy call with these folks and there is a high likelihood many would have showed up for their appointment.

Always follow through!

  • If you leave a voicemail… follow up with an email, referencing the voicemail
  • If you send a letter… follow up with a phone call and/or an email
  • If someone makes an appointment for you… follow up with a friendly phone call

Don’t rely on just one contact.  If you want to get the most of all your marketing… contact people as many ways as you can… AND give them as many ways to contact you back, as well!

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This is a Terrific Handout or Even Frame it for Your Office

Are you looking for a document that demonstrates that you put your client and their concerns first?  Please accept this done-for-you Financial Hippocratic Oath, courtesy of 5Q Group.  You can use it a number of ways… as a handout at seminars… in your appointment folder… framed and hung on your office wall.  It’s a great way to let people know the values by which you abide.

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